Keybox by Groupama

Groupama Loire Bretagne

GLB – Keybox by Groupama

As part of the strategic action plan, Groupama Loire Bretagne is focussing on expanding and diversifying its businesses by launching Keybox. This project offers key services that contribute to the development of companies, local authorities and member associations as well as supporting employees in 3 areas.


This project helps us:

  • Reply to competitive bids by major players in the insurance sector
  • Cement the loyalty of customers in our portfolio
  • Develop values of mutual insurance, proximity and engagement, notably through prevention and healthcare
  • Contribute to the development of regional companies
  • Enhance the development of employees’ skills
  • Generate a new source of income

The offer comprises making Groupama Loire Bretagne’s expertise and relationship network available to companies, local authorities and member associations to meet needs in the following areas: HR, insurance, legal and employee healthcare Different types of services are identified:

  • Diagnostic: situation assessment, suggested action plan
  • Information, raising awareness: conference, meeting, workshop, training session
  • Support: implementing actions, personalised monitoring

The services identified are the result of work already undertaken within the company. The aim is to capitalise as far as possible on the experience of Groupama employees to ensure quality service whilst managing costs.