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2024 Half Year results Analysts Conference Call
Motor, home, agricultural, services, business, professionnals and local authorities
Individual health, individual protection, life insurance – individual savings/pensions, group insurance
Asset management, property management, employee savings, banking
Legal protection, credit insurance, assistance, remote surveillance of property and persons
25 February 2022
To help producers regain their rightful place at the heart of the economic and social fabric, Groupama, the leading insurer in the agricultural world, is developing a digital platform: Granvillage.
1 in 4* farmers offer their products in a short circuit. This marketing method creates value, both in human and financial terms, but it can also be a source of many challenges. Indeed, the sale of products in short circuits cannot be improvised: this method of distribution requires time, energy, and know-how.
*Source: Agreste
To support farmers who wish to start a short circuit approach and develop the business of those already established, Groupama, the leading insurer in the agricultural world, is developing a digital platform: Granvillage.
Among other things, the platform will make it possible to create an online shop window for better product visibility, to sell products online and to simplify the management of their marketing.
34 040
suivent le groupe Groupama
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@VsValletais Merci et joyeuses fêtes à toute l'équipe !
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