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2024 Half Year results Analysts Conference Call
Motor, home, agricultural, services, business, professionnals and local authorities
Individual health, individual protection, life insurance – individual savings/pensions, group insurance
Asset management, property management, employee savings, banking
Legal protection, credit insurance, assistance, remote surveillance of property and persons
5 January 2022
Organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Varenne Agricultural Hackathon on water and adaptation to climate change brought together nearly 60 participants from the 3rd to the 5th of December 2021 in the Drôme
As a player in agricultural risk management and in a context of insurance reform for climate risks, Groupama continues to work in order to develop solutions based on agrometeorology and to bring out solutions to provide farmers with tools to anticipate and adapt to the effects of climate change.
This is why Groupama took part in this Hackathon with the Climatips solution, through a team made up of data scientists from Groupama Loire Bretagne, developers from Groupama Supports et Services and an agronomist from Groupama Rhône Alpes Auvergne, led by Nadia Roignant, Director of the Agricultural Market.
The Groupama team won 1st prize! Climatips is a tool for evaluating exposure to climate risks on crops and measuring the impact on yields and turnover. Its aim is to raise awareness and advise farmers on crop weather risk management strategies.
The work resulting from this Hackathon will deepen the thoughts that Groupama is conducting within various projects led by the Group on climate risk management, particularly within the framework of CLIMATELAB: a group of experts whose work aims to accelerate our knowledge of climate change and to support the deployment of operational solutions in the field. Baptiste DuboisHead of Agricultural Insurance Projects
The work resulting from this Hackathon will deepen the thoughts that Groupama is conducting within various projects led by the Group on climate risk management, particularly within the framework of CLIMATELAB: a group of experts whose work aims to accelerate our knowledge of climate change and to support the deployment of operational solutions in the field.
The developers worked using models such as plant growth models, Groupama claims data, and Météo France data. The interface of the decision-support prototype allows farmers to test their current exposure to crop weather risks in a simple way and to visualise it in the coming years, measuring its impact on yields as well as on the farm’s turnover
34 040
suivent le groupe Groupama
Gan Patrimoine
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Fondation Groupama
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@cpbhand Très belles fêtes à toute l'équipe !
@CepBasket Très belles fêtes à toute l'équipe !
@monsieurmedia Très belles fêtes à toute l'équipe !
@Play_To_B Merci et joyeuses fêtes à toute l'équipe !
@VsValletais Merci et joyeuses fêtes à toute l'équipe !
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