Financial press releases Rechercher Choisir une activité Année Choisir un mot clé Choisir un thème Thème activities agricultural CSR employment finance foundation innovation international mutualism partnerships prevention regions sponsoring Filtrer Financial Releases Groupama announces the successful completion of the institutional private placement of 8,260,000 shares of OTP Bank 22 March 2017 #finance pr_results-groupama-otp_22032017pdf - 87.79 Ko Financial Releases Groupama announces the launch of the sale of 8,260,000 shares of OTP Bank #finance 2017-03-22-groupama-launch-press-releasepdf - 77.24 Ko Financial Releases 2016 Annual Results - Net income of €322 million 17 March 2017 #finance Groupama FY 2016 Results-Press Releasepdf - 281.43 Ko Groupama FY 2016 Results-Infographiepdf - 238.55 Ko Groupama FY 2016 Results-Media Presentationpdf - 847.01 Ko Financial Releases Groupama has successfully carried out the refinancing of its subordinated debt in the context of the active capital management 17 January 2017 #finance 20170117-pr-groupama_subordinated-notespdf - 349.76 Ko Financial Releases Tranformation of Groupama's central body 16 December 2016 #finance 12-16-2016 Groupama Transformationcentral body press releasepdf - 335.39 Ko Financial Releases Orange becomes majority shareholder of Groupama Banque 4 October 2016 #finance 10-04-2016 Orange becomes majority shareholder of Groupama Banquepdf - 129.48 Ko Financial Releases 2016 Half-Year Results : Operating income of €92 million 30 August 2016 #finance 2016 Half-Year Results: Press Releasepdf - 259.01 Ko 2016-09-01 PRESENTATION OF GROUPAMA 2016 HALF-YEAR RESULTSpdf - 806.87 Ko 2016-09-16 GROUPAMA 2016 HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INFOGRAPHICSpdf - 912.53 Ko Financial Releases Plan to mutualise Groupama's central body 24 May 2016 #finance 05-24-2016 Plan to mutualise Groupama's Central bodypdf - 316.81 Ko Financial Releases The 2015 Registration Document 29 April 2016 #finance 2016-04-29 GROUPAMA SA 2015 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (CONSOLIDATED SCOPE)pdf - 2.76 Mo 04-29-2015 Filing Registration document Groupama S.A. 2015pdf - 140.03 Ko Financial Releases Orange to acquire a 65% stake in Groupama Banque, which will become Orange Bank 22 April 2016 #finance 04-22-2016 Orange to acquire a 65% stake in Groupama Banque, which will become Orange Bankpdf - 133.29 Ko