Financial press releases Rechercher Choisir une activité Année Choisir un mot clé Choisir un thème Thème activities agricultural CSR employment finance foundation innovation international mutualism partnerships prevention regions sponsoring Filtrer Financial Releases Signature of a memorandum 13 December 2011 12-13-2011 Signature of a memorandumpdf - 71.40 Ko Financial Releases Caisse des Dépôts Group and Groupama confirm negotiations 5 December 2011 12-05-2011 Caisse des Dépôts Group and Groupama confirm negotiationspdf - 80.84 Ko Financial Releases New organisation of Groupama SA 28 November 2011 #finance 11-28-2011 New organisation of Groupama SApdf - 284.27 Ko Financial Releases Groupama SA Supervisory Board October 24, 2011 24 October 2011 #finance 10-24-2011 Groupama SA Supervisory Boardpdf - 246.16 Ko Financial Releases Press Release September 30th, 2011 3 October 2011 #finance 10-03-2011 Press Release September 30th, 2011pdf - 83.30 Ko Financial Releases Clarification on Italian press releases 7 April 2011 04-07-2011 Clarification on Italian press releasespdf - 193.70 Ko Financial Releases Press Release March 18, 2011 18 March 2011 03-18-2011 Press Release March 18, 2011 (English Version)pdf - 72.96 Ko 03-18-2011 Press Release March 18, 2011 (French Version)pdf - 65.41 Ko 03-18-2011 Press Release March 18, 2011 (Italian Version)pdf - 75.57 Ko Financial Releases Groupama notes the annoucement of the family Ligresti 15 March 2011 03-15-2011 Groupama notes the annoucement of the family Ligresti (English Version)pdf - 191.53 Ko 03-15-2011 Groupama notes the annoucement of the family Ligresti (French Version)pdf - 192.29 Ko Financial Releases Board of Directors of Groupama March 9, 2011 9 March 2011 #finance 03-09-2011 Press release in Englishpdf - 191.33 Ko 03-09-2011 Press release in Frenchpdf - 192.33 Ko 03-09-2011 Press release in italianpdf - 229.99 Ko Financial Releases Groupama has received the reasoning of the decision by Consob 5 March 2011 03-05-2011 Press release in English 05/03/2011pdf - 164.73 Ko 03-05-2011 Press release in French 05/03/2011pdf - 312.98 Ko 03-05-2011 Press release in Italian 05/03/2011pdf - 1.86 Mo