1 jour 1 métier

Groupama Loire Bretagne

GLB – 1 jour 1 métier

Groupama Loire Bretagne would like to change the way it takes part in the European Disability Employment Week by ensuring that employees are active players and not just participants. The Group would therefore like to relaunch the Agefiph "1 day 1 business line" initiative, putting it at the heart of the Disability Week.


The aim is for a large-scale roll out this initiative, with internal and external communication on disabilities, by inviting all employees to welcome someone with a disability and invite them to come and discover the employee’s business line for the day.

Internal communication will help mobilise and develop employee engagement as well as raising awareness about disabilities and RQTH (Reconnaissance de la Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé or Recognised Disabled Worker Status), and providing an opportunity to communicate about the initiatives in place under the disability agreements. It will also be an opportunity to develop the employer brand throughout the company with employees who are truly ready to welcome people with disabilities.

74 employees volunteered to take part in this initiative with 30 disabled guests signed up to learn more about 19 business lines across 6 different departments. Employees and guests were 100% satisfied with this initiative.