Carte Blanche

Groupama Loire Bretagne

The Carte blanche project is a response to the challenges of Groupama Loire Bretagne’s UP! strategic plan and communication ambitions. We are switching from a concept of geographical proximity (branch within 15 minutes’ journey) to one of human proximity (employees).

But – more importantly – to a concept of a project that features totally innovative methods of communication for its market, enabling us to differentiate ourselves externally while achieving internal buy-in.

We have multiple goals:

  • To establish ourselves as a leading local insurer
  • To spotlight our employees and elected representatives who live and work locally (and also the diversity of professions represented)
  • Employer brand: to facilitate recruitment through innovative communication practices
  • To grow our presence on social networks by opening an Instagram account

What practical form does this project take?

An interactive map hosted on a dedicated website,, shows employees’ favourite places in the region. Each sheet shows the location, illustrated by a photo of the employee in the place in question, a sentence explaining their feelings for it, and a brief introduction to the individual and their workplace. (Groupama branch, site, telephone system).

At the same time, all employee portraits are posted as a priority on the Instagram @Groupamaloirebretagne feed, but also on the RM’s other social networks.