Démarche d’intégration globale, ludique et digitale

Groupama Paris Val de Loire, Groupama Loire Bretagne, Groupama Gan Vie, Groupama Assurances Mutuelles & Groupama Supports et Services


Groupama Group recruits more than 4,000 people per year, and hundreds of employees move from one business to another. THE SUCCESS OF THE INTEGRATION PHASE IS DECISIVE for the new starter, their manager and customers… and for the business. Their success contributes to well-being at work, ability to act as a team player, performance, and ultimately retention of the new starter.

The aim is to offer the best possible employee experience, by creating a real sense of belonging to the company from the outset, enabling new starters to understand the Group, its DNA, its commitments and its plans, and by facilitating these connections remotely. To achieve this, the process starts early on, from the job offer, with the “Welcom’App” mobile app, by means of which the future employee discovers Groupama in an entertaining way. Over the course of the first year, discussions take place with the manager, HR and senior management, a complete induction session is held and, to secure buy-in to our DNA, the “Instant mutualiste” newsletter, etc.

From the outset, the app was extremely popular and many Group companies were interested in the idea of a Group-wide scheme. The first content tested has been shared and entities have adopted and adapted it to meet their specific needs. Feedback from managers and new recruits has been very positive.