Diarbenn Solutions

Groupama Loire Bretagne

GLB – Diarbenn Solutions

Road accidents are a major professional risk that are often underestimated. They are the primary cause of workplace accidents. Road accidents account for more than half of fatal workplace accidents involving employees insured under a general scheme. This is the equivalent, each year, of 6 million working days lost for employees.


Groupama Loire Bretagne therefore decided to capitalise on its expertise in prevention and road accidents to develop an added-value service for companies and local authorities. In 2015, the subsidiary Diarbenn Solutions was founded. The services offered enable the subsidiary to earn customer loyalty and ensure the growth of premium income for fleet underwriting.

Using a detailed analysis of road accident claims, by studying amicable settlements and post-accident interviews, Diarbenn Solutions offers a prevention plan tailored to the organisation with 4 stages of corresponding corrective actions (initialisation, actions, communication and evaluation). Directors, employees and employee representative bodies must all be involved in the process in order to achieve the best possible outcome.

The first stage identifies and evaluates the company’s road accident risks. Following this audit, a detailed report highlights the organisation, driver skills, vehicle fleet and risk management that are specific to the business. The second stage involves proposing preventative actions in collaboration with the company’s competent employees. Once a diagnostic has been carried out, communication is needed to inform employees that a road safety culture has been put in place within their organisation. The final evaluating and monitoring phase is essential for measuring the impact of the action plan. It is imperative that the effectiveness of the actions put in place and the correct implementation of safety procedures are monitored, as well as ensuring that areas for improvement are corrected and refined.