Press release and news Rechercher Choisir une activité Année Choisir un mot clé Choisir un thème Thème activities agricultural CSR employment finance foundation innovation international mutualism partnerships prevention regions sponsoring Filtrer Financial Releases Changes within Management at Groupama 10 September 2009 09-10-2009 Changes within Management at Groupamapdf - 37.62 Ko Financial Releases DSK Garancia becomes Groupama Zastrahovane 8 September 2009 09-08-2009 DSK Garancia becomes Groupama Zastrahovanepdf - 43.62 Ko Financial Releases Management changes at Groupama 2 September 2009 09-02-2009 Management Changes at Groupamapdf - 299.69 Ko Financial Releases Groupama and PRO BTP create a joint venture to serve their health policyholders 10 July 2009 #finance 07-10-2009 Groupama and PRO BTP create a joint venturepdf - 39.38 Ko Financial Releases Groupama is introducing a new Eco-friendly Appliance Replacement Plan 8 July 2009 07-08-2009 Groupama is introducing a new Eco-friendly Appliance Replacement Planpdf - 29.37 Ko Financial Releases Groupama SA: decision on its subordinated redeemable bonds 22 June 2009 #finance 06-22-2009 Groupama SA: decision on its subordinated redeemable bondspdf - 34.99 Ko Financial Releases Groupama has launched "Groupama Obligation 2009", an anti-crisis investment plan 18 June 2009 06-15-2009 Groupama has launched "Groupama Obligation 2009"pdf - 23.51 Ko Financial Releases Groupama SA reappoints its Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 28 May 2009 05-28-2009 Groupama SA reappoints its Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officerpdf - 212.06 Ko Financial Releases More "tailor-made" services to make life on the road safer and more serene 26 May 2009 05-26-2009 More "tailor-made" services to make life on the road safer and more serenepdf - 51.77 Ko Financial Releases Finama Private Equity becomes Groupama Private Equity 22 April 2009