Press release and news Rechercher Choisir une activité Année Choisir un mot clé Choisir un thème Thème activities agricultural CSR employment finance foundation innovation international mutualism partnerships prevention regions sponsoring Filtrer Financial Releases Groupama acquire the Romanian insurer Asiban (3rd on the Romanian market) 4 September 2008 #finance 04-09-2008 Groupama : acquisition of Asibanpdf - 71.24 Ko Financial Releases Groupama closes deal to acquire 100% of Asiban 6 August 2008 #activities 08-06-2008 Groupama closes deal to acquire 100% of Asibanpdf - 69.65 Ko Financial Releases Groupama consolidates its positions in Turkey with the acquisition of Güven 27 June 2008 Financial Releases Groupama reports growth in 2007 Embedded Value 29 April 2008 04-29-2008 2007 Embedded Value (The Press Release)pdf - 241.97 Ko 04-29-2008 2007 Embedded Value Presentationpdf - 239.06 Ko Financial Releases Groupama in exclusive talks for the acquisition of Asiban S.A. 2 April 2008 Financial Releases OTP Bank and Groupama to form Emerging Europe insurance partnership 11 February 2008 Financial Releases Groupama gains a foothold in Romania 18 October 2007 #finance 10-18-2007 Groupama gains a foothold in Romaniapdf - 225.78 Ko Financial Releases Groupama publishes its 2006 life embedded value 10 September 2007 #finance 10-09-2007 Embedded Value 2006 (The Press Release)pdf - 34.81 Ko 10-09-2007 Embedded Value 2006 (The presentation)pdf - 204.40 Ko Financial Releases 2007 half-year results : Good Performance and Vigorous Activity 29 August 2007 #finance 08-29 2007 half-year results Press Releasepdf - 608.19 Ko 08-30-2007 Half Year results Presentationpdf - 454.66 Ko Financial Releases Groupama acquires Greek insurer Phoenix Metrolife 8 March 2007 #finance 03-08-2007 Acquisition of Phoenix Metrolife (The Groupama Press Release)pdf - 31.91 Ko 03-08-2007 Acquisition of Phoenix Metrolife (The common Press Release)pdf - 40.63 Ko