Press release and news Rechercher Choisir une activité Année Choisir un mot clé Choisir un thème Thème activities agricultural CSR employment finance foundation innovation international mutualism partnerships prevention regions sponsoring Filtrer Financial Releases 2016 Half-Year Results : Operating income of €92 million 30 August 2016 #finance 2016 Half-Year Results: Press Releasepdf - 259.01 Ko 2016-09-01 PRESENTATION OF GROUPAMA 2016 HALF-YEAR RESULTSpdf - 806.87 Ko 2016-09-16 GROUPAMA 2016 HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INFOGRAPHICSpdf - 912.53 Ko Financial Releases Plan to mutualise Groupama's central body 24 May 2016 #finance 05-24-2016 Plan to mutualise Groupama's Central bodypdf - 316.81 Ko Financial Releases The 2015 Registration Document 29 April 2016 #finance 2016-04-29 GROUPAMA SA 2015 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT (CONSOLIDATED SCOPE)pdf - 2.76 Mo 04-29-2015 Filing Registration document Groupama S.A. 2015pdf - 140.03 Ko Financial Releases Orange to acquire a 65% stake in Groupama Banque, which will become Orange Bank 22 April 2016 #finance 04-22-2016 Orange to acquire a 65% stake in Groupama Banque, which will become Orange Bankpdf - 133.29 Ko Financial Releases Groupama announces the sale of its stake in Cegid Group 18 April 2016 #finance 04-18-2016 Groupama announces the sale of its stake in Cegid Grouppdf - 299.51 Ko Financial Releases 2015 Annual Results 17 March 2016 #finance Groupama FY 2015 Results - Press releasepdf - 280.63 Ko 03-17-2016 Groupama - media presentation - Full Year Resultspdf - 640.74 Ko Groupama - infographics - Full Year Results 2015pdf - 943.27 Ko Groupama FY 2015 Results - Press and analyst presentationpdf - 715.40 Ko Financial Releases Groupama and Orange enter exclusive negotiations for the creation of "Orange Bank" 4 January 2016 #finance 01-04-2016 Groupama and Orange enter exclusive negotiations for the creation of 'Orange Bank', an innovative, 100% mobile bankpdf - 196.93 Ko Financial Releases Contemplated simplification of the structure of ownership by Caisse des Dépôts and Groupama of their interest in Icade 21 December 2015 #finance 12-21-2015 Press release CDC Groupama - english versionpdf - 31.22 Ko Financial Releases Release of 2015 half-year financial report Groupama SA 28 August 2015 08-28-2015 Release_2015_Half-Year_Financial_Report_GroupamaSApdf - 139.78 Ko Groupama HY 2015 Results - financial reportpdf - 1.10 Mo Financial Releases The 2014 Registration Document 19 June 2015 #activities #finance 04-24-2015 Filing of the Groupama SA 2014 Registration Documentpdf - 136.75 Ko