
Groupama Foundation

For 25 years, the Foundation has supported 1 440 projects, 60 researchers teams and 380 patient associations.

A daily commitment :

Through its several actions, the Groupama Foundation has set as goal to fight against rare diseases and to restore hope to patients and their families.

The actions of the Groupama Foudation are focused around the following axes:

  • To further research and social innovation
  • To assist patient associations and institutions dedicated to rare diseases
  • To sensitize health professionals and the general public into rare diseases

To further research and social innovation :

For 25 years, the Groupama Foundation provides constant support for research and innovation in helping associations, start-ups and researchers.

After having supported doctoral candidates during almost 15 years, the Foudation decided to create the “Research of rare diseases Award”. With a budget of 500 000€, its goal is to support during 5 years a team of researchers. The award was handed for the first time in 2017.

As for the Social Innovation Award, it supports innovative initiatives showing a significative progress in the rare diseases fight. They have to contribute to break the isolation, to encourage the social link, the professional integration or to help the development of the therapeutic education. These improvements can be set up to children or adults, isolated by the disease. Awarded each year with a support of 20 000 €.

To assist patient associations and institutions dedicated to rare diseases :

To facilitate the daily life of the patients, the Foundation supports associations and institutions of rare diseases in their initiatives.

This support is expressed, in particular, by:

Financial supports: the Foundation and local mutuals support financially projects, such as hospitals, reference centers of rare diseases, etc.

Solidarity rides: each first Sunday of June, around one hundred rides are organized in all France on the initiative of the local mutuals for the benefit of the associations or research. The money collected on this occasion contributes to their projects.

Computers donations: the Foundation gives the possibility to the associations to benefit from computers, tested and repacked by a professional integration workshop.

To sensitize health professionals and the general public into rare diseases :

The Foundation brings its support to the creation of communication tools on rare diseases. Thanks to this support in the realization, design, edition and distribution, the Foundation is pursuing its commitment “to fight against the rare diseases”.

The Foundation also organises many conferences and, in 2009, created the “Espoirs” collection of works on rare illnesses.