Governance institutions

The Group has a governance method that empowers everyone involved within the organisation. Members elect their representatives at the local level (31,000 representatives), who in turn elect their representatives at the regional and national levels.

The directors, who are all policyholders, control all the boards of directors of the entities within the mutual insurance group. They select the managers, who handle operating activities.

The elected representatives thus participate in all of the Group’s decision-making bodies, whether local, regional mutuals (9 regional mutuals in Metropolitan France, 2 overseas mutuals and 2 specialised mutuals), or national bodies, through the federations and the boards of directors of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles and its subsidiaries.

Groupama Assurances Mutuelles Board of Directors

The 15-member Board of Directors, chaired by Laurent POUPART, is responsible for determining the strategies for Groupama Assurances Mutuelles’ business, ensures that they are implemented and oversees the functions performed by the management.


The Mutualist Orientation Council

The mutualist orientation committee is omposed of 49 members. Its mission is to define the general orientations of the group and to oversee its implementation.

The metropolitan regional mutuals are each represented by 5 members: the chairman of their board of directors and 4 members nominated by the members of their board of directors.


Group Executive Committee

The Group Executive Committee is made up of the Managing Directors of the regional mutuals and the Senior Directors of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles. It is chaired by the Company’s CEO.
Its 21 members:

  • participate in the preparation and operational monitoring of the Group’s strategy;
  • implement the strategy in the Group, ensuring the operational coordination of all the entities’ business activities.


Groupama Assurances Mutuelles Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is made up of 11 members and brings together representatives of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles main departments and the CEO.

Access the list of Steering Committee members


Further information