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2024 Half Year results Analysts Conference Call
Motor, home, agricultural, services, business, professionnals and local authorities
Individual health, individual protection, life insurance – individual savings/pensions, group insurance
Asset management, property management, employee savings, banking
Legal protection, credit insurance, assistance, remote surveillance of property and persons
The Mutualist Orientation Council is notably responsible for proposing the candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles, defining the general orientations of the Group, and overseeing their implementation.
Nicolas ASSÉMAT, Vice-Chairman, Groupama Méditerranée Daniel COLLAY, Vice-Chairman, Groupama Paris Val de Loire Patrick LAOT, Vice-Chairman, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Sylvie LE DILLY, Vice-Chairman, Groupama Centre Manche Pierre MARTIN, Vice-Chairman, Groupama d’Oc Jérôme MOY, Vice-Chairman, Groupama Loire Bretagne Laurent POUPART, Chairman Groupama Assurances Mutuelles Denis ROUMÉGOUS, Vice-Chairman, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Ingrid BERNIER, office member, Groupama Loire Bretagne Denis CALIPEL, office member, Groupama Centre Manche Isabelle CHOPIN, office member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Stéphane COOLS, office member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique André DAZIANO, office member, Groupama Méditerranée Nathalie HAUCHARD, office member, Groupama Nord-Est Didier LALUET, office member, Groupama d’Oc Rémy LOSSER, office member, Groupama Grand Est Jean-Christophe MANDARD, office member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
Sophie BOILLIN, member, Groupama Grand Est Christophe BUISSET, member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire Chantal CETTIER, member, Groupama Méditerranée Christophe CHARRANSOL, member, Groupama Méditerranée Luc CHEVALIER member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Jacques-Charles CHRISTOPHE, member, Groupama Antilles-Guyane Valérie DÉTAPPE, member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire Frédéric DUBOSCQ, member, Groupama Forêts Assurances Patricia DUTOIT, member, Groupama Nord-Est Marie FISCHER, member, Groupama Grand Est Jérôme GONTHIER, member, Groupama Océan Indien Mélanie GOSSELIN, member, Groupama Centre Manche Françoise GUIHARD, member, Groupama Loire Bretagne Patrick HENRY, member, Groupama Nord-Est Joël LAFONTAINE, member, Groupama Centre Manche Guy LAVIGNE, member, Groupama d’Oc Dominique LECOMTE, member, Groupama Centre Manche Marie-France MALTERRE, member, Groupama d’Oc Florence MASSIAS, member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique Daniel MÉRIGOT, member, Groupama Producteurs de Tabac Thierry MIQUET, member, Groupama Nord-Est Jean-Charles MOGENET, member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Nathalie MOREL, member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Véronique NÉDÉLEC, member, Groupama Loire Bretagne Vincent OLIVON, member, Groupama Loire Bretagne Alain PUECH, member, Groupama d’Oc Richard SALLES, member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique Jean-Louis STÉMART, member, Groupama Grand Est Karine TOURAINE, member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique Benoît VAUXION, member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire