Médiathèque Rechercher Choisir une activité Année Choisir un mot clé Choisir un thème Thème activités agricole belle histoire emploi finance fondation innovation international mutualisme partenariats prévention raison d'être régions RSE sponsoring Filtrer Vidéo Audio Diaporama Image Diaporama Top Succès Groupama 2017(3 Photos) 8 décembre 2017 Image letrajetleplussur 14 novembre 2017 #agricultural #innovation #prevention Groupama has launched LeTrajetLePlusSur.fr, the first route generator allowing users to compare the fastest journey (traditionally offered by all GPS systems) and the safest journey between point A and point B. The service is accessible to everyone and is entirely free of charge. The Groupama Centre Atlantique, Groupama d’Oc and Groupama Loire Bretagne regional mutuals have been promoting the system at the regional level. Image nouvelles mobilités 14 novembre 2017 #activities #innovation The “New Mobility” service allows Groupama members with motor insurance to see their cover extended to new types of mobility (car-sharing, carpooling, etc.). This gives them the benefit of their policy's essential cover when they rent a vehicle. Groupama also covers the difference between the excess claimed by the renter in the event of damage to the vehicle and the amount specified in the Groupama policy. No more nasty surprises! Image Noé 14 novembre 2017 #activities #prevention Noé is an innovative remote home assistance service, featuring a tactile tablet, fall-detection bracelet and apps. Noé combines 24/7 security and quality of life thanks to the numerous services included, as well as responding to seniors’ needs and reassuring their friends and family. This project, designed in agile mode, makes Groupama part of its clients’ everyday lives and a partner for life for all generations. Image Ma carte grise le temps d'un café 14 novembre 2017 #activities #innovation Groupama Paris Val de Loire, in partnership with Cartegrise.com, now offers two quick and simple solutions for registering your vehicle: close to home in a Groupama agency or online via the groupama.fr client space. The service is free for our members and prospects. It is quick – the time it takes to have a coffee break! It positions Groupama, which plays an important role within the socio-economic fabric of its region, as a real facilitator of everyday life. Vidéo Architectes du vivant 2 juin 2017 #agricole #régions Image Le groupe en 2 minutes 11 mai 2017 #activités #finance Vidéo Top Success - My Angel 22 décembre 2016 #innovation Groupama Assicurazioni (subsidiary of Groupama in Italy) launched the first app on the Italian market which can manage clients' claims in real-time and on the spot! It can also tell the insurer where his car is parked, and make him better understand his driving style. Of course, it operates in real time 7/7 and 24/24! And it enables Groupama Assicurazioni to manage claims in no more than 6 days. Clients are very satisfied. 65,000 people have already downloaded My Angel… Vidéo Top Success - I'm going to stop complaining at work! 22 décembre 2016 #innovation A 21 days challenge held by Groupama Protection Juridique to help volunteers stop complaining at work, express their frustration, get the cooperation of others and appreciate all the positive things around them! So employees can become drivers of solutions rather than sufferers of situations!…. Vidéo Top Success - The electronic safe 22 novembre 2016 #innovation In several companies of Groupama (Groupama Gan Vie, Gan Assurances, Gan Patrimoine, Gan Prévoyance, Groupama Supports & Services et Groupama SA), payslips can now be filed and archived in a digital safe. All important personal documents can also be put away in the safe: bills, photos, passports, driving licenses… No more risk of losing it all! All these documents are stored for 50 years. All important and official documents accessible anywhere, anytime!