Interview with
Jean-Yves Dagès and Thierry Martel
Discover the interview of the leaders

The group
decision-making bodies
Groupama Assurances Mutuelles Board of Directors

The Groupama Group went the extra mile for its customers and members during the health crisis
Maintaining close ties with non-commercial courtesy calls
Offering free assistance cover for company managers and employees
Adapting premiums to help struggling business sectors
« We live in a medical desert and our GP has left. My daughter fell ill, but because of Covid-19, I didn’t want to take her to A&E. Thanks to the medical remote consultation service, she was able to get treatment »
Groupama member

Towards legal protection from A to Z
Groupama acquired Juritravail in early 2021, the leading French provider of online legal services. It completes the existing Groupama Protection Juridique offering to provide a complete suite of legal services for VSCs, SMCs and individuals.

Remote inspection service in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary
The smartphone-based inspection service offered by Groupama Zhivotozastrahovane and Zastrahovane, Groupama Asigurari and Groupama Biztosító was extended to motor claims in 2020. As it reduces on-site inspections and guarantees policyholders access to their rights, the service is increasingly popular.
The Groupama Group went the extra mile for its employees during the health crisis
Protecting the health of our employees, maintaining team cohesion and ensuring business continuity
Implementing tools to support teams
Adapting tools and processes so advisors can assist their customers

« Ma retraite, mon rythme »
This online customer area helps Groupama customers prepare for retirement. A source of inspiring ideas, it also calculates the amount you can expect to receive as a retiree using the Sapiendo simulation tool.

Groupama assicurazioni motor insurance wins award
For the second year running, the Group’s Italian subsidiary won the German Quality & Finance Institute award for the very high level of customer satisfaction with its motor offering and its excellent value for money.
New fund to drive economy recovery
In October, Groupama launched a new diversified and « France Relance » certified fund with Groupama Asset Management and Groupama Gan Vie. The G Fund New Deal Europe targets European stocks seeking to remedy production and relocation issues, the prevention and treatment of disease, and current social and economic changes.
Tool to support professional customers
From May 2020, Groupama regional mutuals and Gan Prévoyance advisors rapidly set up a digital platform, Pro'Ximité Services, to provide professional customers with bespoke answers to their questions around the health crisis.

Partnership with reims teaching hospital
To better identify the genetic causes of cleft lip and/or palate, Reims teaching hospital can rely on the help of the Groupama Foundation and Groupama Nord-Est to help find the answer after they agreed to invest €50,000 over three years to fund its multigenic analysis-based research.
Free films during lockdown
Over two days in April 2020, the Gan Foundation for Cinema offered 10,000 French people the chance to watch five award-winning films labelled by the Foundation for free. The initiative was conveyed by media outlets, along with a free access code for VOD platform UniversCiné.

Gold for mutuaide's digital auto application
The DIGItal Auto app from the Mutuaide assistance service was awarded the Trophée Or in the Innovation and Customer Relations category. After the initial incident-report call, the app takes over and allows geolocated customers to track the response in real time.
policies sold at year-end 2020
The Groupama Group went the extra mile for its customers and members during the health crisis
Support for research to combat the Covid-19 epidemic
Financial assistance for non-profits, regional organisations, small retailers and departmental fire and safety services
Masks donated to individuals, non-profits, and care homes
Non-medical donations and funding of solidarity actions
Cyber risk coverage
Groupama was one of the first to extend its guarantees to protect its customers. Since 2019, all agricultural multi-risk policies include a Cyber Security base level of cover so farmers can claim if their IT system is attacked or if a claim is made against them by a third party.

Central to the groupama campaign
Farmers are one of the pillars of our community. The Group decided to put the spotlight on these talented men and women in its « Agriculteurs. Indispensables au monde » campaign.

Cycling strips given to 105 amateur clubs
Groupama gave thirty free jerseys and shorts as part of the Ton Club, Ton maillot initiative. This assistance saves each club €5,000 on average. The initiative was a major success and will be repeated in 2021.

Alerts with Groupama Predict
In October 2021, during the devastating storm Alex, Groupama implemented a major prevention exercise in partnership with Predict Services, by setting up an alert and support service to inform some 6,500 local authority policyholders and send messages to 580,000 insured individuals.
« One of the rules of the road when you’re cycling, including at daybreak and nightfall, is to be visible »
Arnaud Démare a racing cyclist on the Groupama-FDJ Cycling Team speaking in a road safety awareness video

Moving towards a zero-coal portfolio
In 2020, Groupama committed to a zero-thermal-coal investment portfolio by 2030 for companies operating in EU and OECD countries, and by 2040 in the rest of the world.
A driving academy in Turkey
Building on the experience of the Group and Centaure centres in France, Groupama Sigorta has offered motor policyholders refresher courses since the end of 2020 at a new driving academy set up in partnership with Intercity.
Reuse of construction materials
The Booster du Réemploi (Reuse Boster) digital platform developed by Groupama Immobilier connects the supply and demand of project owners for reusable materials. This initiative forms part of the Techstars startup accelerator sponsored by Groupama.

Trouble-free beach time in Greece
The Safety Box was a common sight on beaches in Greece last summer. Holidaymakers used the lockable units set up by Groupama Asfalistiki to secure their belongings. This allowed beachgoers the chance to enjoy hours of carefree fun.