Healthcare under control

Health remains at the core of French people’s concerns, but 58%1 believe that the healthcare system is functioning poorly. Medical deserts, medicine shortages and hospital overcrowding have all become more acute since the COVID crisis.
This perception is due in particular to the difficulty in securing timely access to care. Although everyone theoretically has access to the most advanced care, either free or almost free of charge, this access is becoming more unequal: 47% of French people say they have experienced difficulties, long waits or only partial access to healthcare services. This perception is higher in rural areas and small towns, but also below a certain level of education, because resorting to and being able to access care sensibly and at the right time relies on having the right information in advance. Remote consultation appears to be one of the solutions. It has become a firm favourite with the French, with one million teleconsultations a month, or 2 to 3% of all consultations.
The worrying increase in healthcare costs
There are also economic issues at play. Healthcare spending was extremely dynamic in 2023. The increase was fuelled in particular by a review of caregivers’ wages and rates and by a higher consumption of care. This situation is increasing the debt burden not only of the social security system, but also of the supplementary healthcare providers who play an essential role in financing the zero co-pay (Reste à charge zéro) system for eyes, dental and hearing care. This is especially true as the transfer of spending from the public to the private sector accelerates with the rollout of this system. Mutual insurers’ tariffs are expected to increase by 8.1% on average in 2024, according to Mutualité Française forecasts. This represents a higher increase in premiums than in 2023 (+4.7%).
The French people understand that the healthcare system needs to evolve if it is to function properly, particularly as the ageing of the population accelerates: there will be 6.1 million people aged between 75 and 84 in 2030.
New healthcare expectations and behaviours
Be it stress, fatigue musculoskeletal disorders or something else, the impact of working conditions on our health is no longer in doubt. Quality of life at work is actually the primary concern of workers, especially now that the widespread use of remote working has provided a better work-life balance. People are feeling less attached to their work, and personal fulfilment is becoming a priority. More broadly, French people expect more flexibility from their companies, particularly with regard to more personalised management of working hours and the organisation of working time.
Mental health is also becoming a key factor for a growing portion of the population. This is particularly true of younger generations, it being the main concern for 53%2 of them.
The French are also putting their faith in a preventive approach to their health in order to reduce long-term risks and spend less: two thirds3 of them think that looking after one’s health means being proactive in adopting good practices and a healthy lifestyle. Healthcare is also becoming increasingly digital with the widespread adoption of remote consultation, which according to the CNAM has more than one million users every month. Many French people also give credence to alternative therapies. According to an Odoxa survey conducted in May 2023, 57% believe that alternative therapies are, from a general standpoint, at least as effective as conventional medicine. Osteopathy, homoeopathy and acupuncture are the alternative therapies most used by French people.
- Connected health is appealing: 76% of French people say they are prepared to use these services even if some obstacles remain (source: connected health survey by the market research company IPSOS in 2022).
- The perception of healthcare professionals remains very positive: 95% favourable opinion for nurses and 91% for general practitioners (source: Les Français et le système de santé [The French and the healthcare system], Elabe for Institut Montaigne, 2023).
- 82% of French people believe that prevention is effective for keeping in good health (Toluna for Reworld Media, 2023).
1 Les Français et le système de santé [The French and the healthcare system], Elabe for Institut Montaigne, 2023
2 – Diplomeo 2022.
3 Preventive health care: What do French people think about it? (BVA, 2022)