Technological acceleration

We have never innovated as much as we do today! There were 3.461 million patent applications filed in 2022, in fields such as 5G, IoT, smart grids, robotics and automation. Everything from cybersecurity to healthcare to e-commerce is evolving rapidly, especially since the pandemic. And this dynamic will continue, because 40%2 of organisations surveyed on the subject in 2023 planned to increase their technology spending in 2024. 

Popularised in particular by ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence is becoming democratised, crystallising both hopes and anxieties. Only 6% of French people use it often, but it is at the heart of the debate. While 52% of the French population believe that it represents a new industrial revolution, 53% see it as a threat. The world of work is indeed about to experience a revolution: 65% of skills will evolve or be transformed, according to a LinkedIn study published in November 2023.

AI is also reinventing the customer relationship. Evolution of physical networks, massive digitalisation, streamlining of paths, new omnichannel proximity – all these developments are profoundly transforming the relationship and shaking up distribution strategies and models. 


From crisis of confidence to technological maturity ?

In general, digital technologies are particularly well received when they support actions to protect the environment, improve energy efficiency, simplify administrative procedures, improve medical supervision or secure transactions. 

However, the need for cybersecurity is multiplied. This feeling is reflected in the facts, since the number of survey respondents who say they have been the victim of an online scam (health insurance scams, phishing, hacking, credit card fraud, viruses etc.) is up by three points compared with 2021 (45%). The issue also affects companies, since one in ten business executives3 have suffered a cyberattack attempt over the last 12 months. There is therefore a strong expectation of support for implementing protection solutions.


While 57% of French people believe that chatbots and AI provide a real benefit in terms of swiftness of response, 7 out of 104 consider that they do not respond to their request satisfactorily. 

68%5 of French people trust digital technologies to monitor, manage and reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint. 

Similarly, the transmission of their personal data is not a concern as long as it is useful to them: 76% accept it for simplification of their administrative procedures; 68% to improve their medical supervision; 66% to secure their transactions. 

1 According to the annual report on World Intellectual Property Indicators published by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
2 Sharp Europe 2023.
3 Opinion Way, October 2022.
4 Essendex, 2023.
5 ACSEL Barometer 2023.

Reasons to believe
Reasons to believe
  • Digidroit Pro, a legal document base for professionals 


  • The free Digidroit Pro service provides professionals with daily support in their business to improve their regulatory knowledge and facilitate their decision-making: information and advice on recruitment, employee management, taxation, commercial leases etc. The content is written by legal experts from Juritravail, a Groupama subsidiary.

    Templates for letters and contracts are also available. The service can be accessed from the Groupama customer area at any time, regardless of any claim. A valuable tool for limiting disputes! 

  • New cyber cover in Italy

    Groupama Assicurazioni has launched an extended home insurance offering for households: Casa Senza Confini (House without borders). In particular, it includes cyber cover that provides technical assistance in the event of technical device malfunctions (smartphones, tablets, PCs) caused by cyber attacks, soft mobility cover or an extension of the statutory warranty for household appliances.

  • AI in collaborative mode

    GGroupama Innov’Hack, the first hackathon around Chat GPT-OpenAI organised in France in partnership with Microsoft, is an initiative to support and accelerate the Group’s transformation while respecting the principles of ethics, compliance and data security. 25 participants, all Groupama AI and Data experts, supervised by Microsoft coaches, worked on five customer- and employee-oriented use cases. This involved three intense days of collaboration to turn ideas into prototypes.

  • Know your Customer 2.0: Greece at the cutting edge

    Groupama Asfalistiki is the first insurance company in the Greek market to integrate the eGov-KYC (Know Your Customer) solution, proposed by the Greek government, into its IT system. This is a fully digital and secure alternative to the procedure for verifying and updating the personal data and contact details of natural persons in the context of combatting money laundering and knowing the customer.

  • Retirement in digital

    In order to offer real support for retirement, focused on the expectations of its customers and prospects who are approaching this new stage of their lives, Groupama Gan Vie has deployed the Ma Nouvelle Vie (My New Life) website. This provides all the useful information about retirement through videos, editorial content, podcasts, and simulators. The site has already had nearly 2 million visits, with a predominantly female audience. It was completely redesigned in 2023 to be more user-friendly and accessible to people with disabilities.

Explore more 

  • Acting with prudence

    Changing Context: better understand to adapt

  • Climate change is now

    Focus on the Climate Lab, a tool for prevention and accelerator of change
