Committed governance

Our Group relies on solid and stable governance. In leading our projects, we are supported by three fundamental bodies: the Mutualist Orientation Council, Groupama Assurances Mutuelles’ Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee.

The Mutualist Orientation Council

The 48 members of the Mutualist Orientation Council include five representatives for each of the nine regional mutuals in metropolitan areas, and one representative for each of the two overseas mutuals and two specialist mutuals. In particular, it is tasked with proposing the candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles, defining the Group’s general guidelines and monitoring their implementation.

Chairmen's committee

  • François SCHMITT
    Chairman, Groupama Grand Est
  • Sylvie LE DILLY
    Vice chairman, Groupama Centre Manche
  • Nicolas ASSÉMAT
    Deputy Chairman, Groupama Méditerranée
  • Daniel COLLAY
    Vice chairman, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
  • Patrick LAOT
    Vice chairman, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Pierre MARTIN
    Vice chairman, Groupama d’Oc
  • Jérôme MOY
    Vice chairman, Groupama Loire Bretagne
  • Laurent POUPART
    Vice chairman, Groupama Nord-Est
    Vice chairman, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
Members of the Board

  • Ingrid BERNIER
    Board member, Groupama Loire Bretagne
  • Denis CALIPEL
    Board member, Groupama Centre Manche
  • Isabelle CHOPIN
    Board member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Stéphane COOLS
    Board member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
  • André DAZIANO
    Board member, Groupama Méditerranée
  • Nathalie HAUCHARD
    Board member, Groupama Nord-Est
  • Didier LALUET
    Board member, Groupama d’Oc
  • Rémy LOSSER
    Board member, Groupama Grand Est
  • Jean-Christophe MANDARD
    Board member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire

  • Sophie BOILLIN
    Member, Groupama Grand Est
  • Christophe BUISSET
    Member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
  • Chantal CETTIER
    Member, Groupama Méditerranée
  • Christophe CHARRANSOL
    Member, Groupama Méditerranée
    Member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Jacques-Charles CHRISTOPHE
    Member, Groupama Antilles-Guyane
  • Valérie DÉTAPPE
    Member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
  • Frédéric DUBOSCQ
    Member, Groupama Forêts Assurances
  • Patricia DUTOIT
    Member, Groupama Nord- Est
  • Marie FISCHER
    Member, Groupama Grand Est
  • Jérôme GONTHIER
    Member, Groupama Océan Indien
  • Mélanie GOSSELIN
    Member, Groupama Centre Manche
  • Françoise GUIHARD
    Member, Groupama Loire Bretagne
  • Patrick HENRY
    Member, Groupama Nord-Est
    Member, Groupama Centre Manche
    Member, Groupama d’Oc
  • Dominique LECOMTE
    Member, Groupama Centre Manche
  • Marie-France MALTERRE
    Member, Groupama d’Oc
  • Florence MASSIAS
    Member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
  • Daniel MÉRIGOT
    Member, Groupama Producteurs de Tabac
  • Thierry MIQUET
    Member, Groupama Nord-Est
  • Jean-Charles MOGENET
    Member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Nathalie MOREL
    Member, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Véronique NÉDÉLEC
    Member, Groupama Loire Bretagne
  • Vincent OLIVON
    Member, Groupama Loire Bretagne
  • Alain PUECH
    Member, Groupama d’Oc
  • Richard SALLES
    Member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
  • Jean-Louis STÉMART
    Member, Groupama Grand Est
  • Karine TOURAINE
    Member, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
  • Benoît VAUXION
    Member, Groupama Paris Val de Loire

The Board of Directors

The Groupama Assurances Mutuelles Board of Directors has 15 members. It sets out the guidelines for the group’s activities in accordance with those set by the Mutualist Orientation Council and supervises their implementation.

  • Nicolas ASSÉMAT
    Chairman, Groupama Méditerranée
  • Isabelle BORDRY
    Independant director
  • Isabelle CHASSEUR
    Director representing employees
  • Daniel COLLAY
    Chairman, Groupama Paris Val de Loire
  • Ada DI MARZO
    Independent Director
  • Anne GUÉRIN
    Independent Director
  • Élie HARARI
    Independent Director
  • Sylvie LE DILLY
    Chairman, Groupama Centre Manche
  • Patrick LAOT
    Chairman, Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Pierre MARTIN
    Chairman, Groupama d’Oc
  • Christophe MERCIER
    Director representing employees
  • Jérôme MOY
    Chairman, Groupama Loire Bretagne
  • Laurent POUPART
    Chairman, Groupama Nord-Est
    Chairman, Groupama Centre-Atlantique
  • François SCHMITT
    Chairman of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles and Groupama Grand Est

The Group Executive Committee

Led by the Chief Executive Officer, Thierry Martel, and consisting of 20 members, the Group Executive Committee brings together the directors of the regional mutuals and the main managing directors of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles. Its members take part in the design and implementation of the strategy, and also carry out the operational coordination of all the Group’s activities.

  • Thierry MARTEL
    Chief Executive Officer Groupama Assurances Mutuelles
  • Olivier LARCHER
    Vice Chief Executive Officer of Groupama Assurances Mutuelles
  • Laurence BAUDUIN
    Managing Director Groupama Nord-Est
  • Philippe BELLORINI
    Managing Director Groupama Supports & Services
  • Laurent BOUSCHON
    Managing Director Groupama Paris Val de Loire
  • Sylvain BUREL
    Group Director of Communication
    Group Human Ressources Director
    General Secretary
  • Benoît DOUXAMI
    Managing Director Groupama Grand Est
  • Jean-François GARIN
    Deputy Chief Executif Officer, Managing Director Life activities
  • Didier GUILLAUME
    Managing Director Groupama Grand Est
  • Fabrice LEPIGEON
    Managing Director Groupama Centre-Atlantique
  • Pascal LOISEAU
    Managing Director Groupama Centre Manche
    Deputy Chief Executif Officer, Group Director of Strategy and Partnerships
  • Sylvain MERLUS
    Managing Director Groupama Centre-Atlantique
  • Nicolas NAFTALISKI
    Managing Director Groupama Loire Bretagne
  • Olivier PÉQUEUX
    Deputy Chief Executif Officer, Director of International Subsidiaries
  • Cyril ROUX
    Deputy Chief Executif Officer Finance, Actuarial Group Audit, Risk
  • Romain TANGUY
    Managing Director Groupama Méditerranée
  • Francis THOMINE
    Managing Director Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Pascal VINÉ
    Director of Institutional Relations and Mutualist Orientations

Explore more

  • Let’s talk about the future

    Executive Interview

  • AI – the new cornerstone of an optimised customer journey?

    Interview with Thibaut Aboulker on the Group’s digital transformation
